Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Top of the Hill

Find yourself on top of the hill
Run like hell, still you’re still
Smooth out the path, multitask
Hide the inappropriate, wear a mask
Friends in the right places?
No need for social graces
Pride in the unconventional
Some call it disfunctional

You better watch your back
Lest you need to save your face
It’s lonely up top
A never ending race
Be careful where you step
Watch those toes now
You may need to back down fast
Pull out somehow

Can’t take a call?
Someone will take the fall
Make a fine art of sucking up
Watch the overflowing cup
Wear that air, look the part
Never try a new start
Drop the ball sometime?
Vagueness is no crime

For the innermost set
There’s always a safety net
True, tried and tested
Good PR is never wasted
How long will this last?
Will you get out classed?
Well, there’s an end to every story
To all power and the glory