Thursday, August 29, 2013

Wicked Love

Wicked love lies waiting

Exhausted with the afterglow

Of a lyrical dream on a summer night

Wicked love makes no promises

Takes nothing but remembrance

Just a whispered delight

Wicked love reasons not

Comes with nothing to tie it down

Takes what it can get, without regret

Wicked love is just what it is

What it can be, no more, no less

Can’t walk through the rain and not get wet

Wicked love won’t compete

With what it cannot beat

Or where it cannot be, or what it can’t hear

Wicked love burns alone

Lights up the neighbourhood

With invisible light, a vision that’s so clear

Wicked love is a flash

That won’t fade away too fast

Yes, no, maybe, it matters a lot, or not

Wicked love reappears

Just when you thought it’s gone

It’ll wait inside you, but be so hard to spot


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