Don't Crash
Don’t crash
Your train of thought into mine
I need more time to unwind
Don’t want a wreck on my hands
You think
You have the answers, I know
All the tools that it would take
To help us all understand
So what
Of the funny play of your words
Twists and turns of your phrases
And changing face of your spin
How long before it sounds like
Something we’ve all heard before
And the logic starts wearing thin
What if
Some one somewhere catches on
Lightbulb moment kicks in
Thinks it through and puts it out
How will
You put a new logic to it
Open out a different track
Do a complete turn about
About public memory
You hope that time will erase
All the questions from your past
But then
It’s a tricky tightrope dance
Through fiction, fact and half truths
Will your luck hold out and last?