Friday, June 09, 2006

GRam the Rescue Man

If your thoughts have come unstuck
And you seem understocked on luck
If your juices have stopped to flow
If your world seems to go in slo mo

If your story line seems a little weak
If your work is making you sick
If all you do is toe the line
Tell me, I’ll make your problems mine

I’m GRam the Rescue Man
I’ll f@@k! do what no one can
I’ll cut the knots Madras style
I’ll delete the problem file

My fame spreads far and wide
It’s all pretty cut and dried
Your worries will dissolve
Your problems will get solved

If you’re missing a source of fun
If your programmes do not run
If your timeline is mixed shit
If you’re taking a big hit

If your screen’s all white noise
No need to lose your poise
Remember GRam’s the name
After I’m through you’ll never..

Be the same!!!!


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