Saturday, December 03, 2005


Without you, the skies are always grey
The Sun seems unwilling to shine
Living does’nt make any sense
Without you, the spaces are far too great
Without you, everyday is a meaningless space
Every night is like emptiness
Every place full of memories
Without you, every moment is an effort to live

Come back to loving
Let’s step into the light
Cause I know you are hurting
Come let me ease the pain

Without me, I know how you hurt
I know that you miss me
And I feel that you love me
Without me, I know you are lonely
Without me, I know you feel alone
My love, please do’nt feel afraid
My love is always there with you
Without me, let my love comfort you

And I want you to know
Please do’nt say,”No.”
Baby, come back to loveI’d like to help you through


In the darkness
What terror lurks
Do you dare to comprehend?

In a corner
Of the mind
It waits, quiet and sedate

Listen to that voice in you
Tell you right from wrong
Everything isn’t shades, you know
Recognize, be strong

The time will come
For it to rise
(And) bring its power to the fore

Lord have mercy
On the poor souls
Unheedful of the lore

No one is spared
It's awesome wrath
Let it be known to all

So watch your step
All you tiny men
For the axe is sure to fall

Listen to that voice in you
Show you truth and false
Keep you on the narrow path Prison isn’t four walls
Whatever happens when two hearts meet
But the minds they don't gel?
Whatever happened to the feeling
We claimed to know so well?
Whatever happened to the warmth
We tried so hard to feel?
That famous last scene, we couldn't steal

Whatever happened to the loving
That was never there to show?
Whatever happened to " Forever"?
Maybe I'll never know
Whatever happened to the world
We had come to know so well?

What lies beyond?
Only time can tell


Through some obscure rhyme
Across the space of time
I reach out to you
So much to say
And the words, so few

Yet when silent we seem to speak
Through some undefined plane
It is you I seek
A strange connection
Uncanny, but true
How every abstract thought
Makes full sense to you

A place where everything
Is okay, nothing wrong
And funny, a tenuous link
Can be so strong
The times you find me silent
Are the ones where I have the most to say
There has got to be a better way
Words don't seem enough

We float by the space of time
I wish I had no ties, so I could be free
Like as breeze that blows across the sea
You know how I hate to wait

Its never too soon to accept
Experience makes you adept
Why then when it stares us in the face
We always look and check for other ways?

Can you ever know enough
What is around the corner, can I stay unhurt
When is the moment to stop or start
How can you ever be sure?


Slow fire burning deep inside
Waiting to come alive
Can't stop the feeling insede
It's just driving me wild

It's about the curve of your lips
It's about the way you move your hips
It's about the way you hold me tight
It's about the way it feels right

It's about a look in your eyes
It's about a pleasant surprise
It's about the feel of your kiss
It's about a feeling I miss

Slow fire burning deep inside
Waiting to come alive
Can't stop the feeling insede
It's just driving me wild

Burning, burning, can't seem to stop
I'm waiting, waiting to go over the top
Burning, burning, can't seem to stop
I'm waiting, waiting to go over the topSlow fire burning! Help me now babe!


Seeds of a kind
Were there in your mind
For some time

As you grew older
They became bolder
They ruled you

They held your being
In a twisted grasp
They stung your soul
Like a wounded waspAnd you went under


I know, outside it is a mess
There is a storm and a blinding rain
Every little thing seems hard
And it is said there is no gain without the pain

I know living is not easy
With the spaces that need to be full
As you look for direction
Feel the pressure, push and the pull

Let it out from within
Lay it out at my door
I'll take on the wheel
But you must take the oar

Lets ride on a wave
Lets ride up to the crest
I'm here when you need me
Lay your worries to rest

I'm sure soon the time will come
And for you, soon the sun will shine
And the clouds will blow away
Just a little further down the line

Yes, the waiting seems so hard
And it seems to take forever
Try to look in to yourself
I'll be here to make you stronger


The air is electric with desire
One little spark, that is all that it takes
This is where it goes up in fire
And how I long to reach out and touch you
I got to wait and get all my control
When you’re so near, that’s not so easy to do

Can you feel the pulse of desire
Warm on your skin, like salt on your tongue
Sometimes it is like wine, smooth in your mouth
Often it is raw, when the feeling gets strong

Your silken touch, the fragrance of your hair
One little sigh, one look in your eyes
Got to watch out, I'd better beware
But I know that look, and the way that you feel
Catch that feel when our eyes chance to meet

Got to hold on, turn my nerves into steel


She said, "Tails you lose and heads I win
Thought you should know before you begin
To fall in love with me.

Conscience, loneliness live side by side
Whats all this about some sense of pride?
You choose to look, not see.

The dark side, where everything is no win
The things I say is not what I mean
I'm afraid to admit

The endless ways of mind games I play
The things I do and all the things I say
Its a bottomless pit

Don't say I didn't warn you
Before you step off the edge
Better look long and hard
At the fine print on the page

Don't ever say never
And you can come out unhurt
And never is forever
So you can't stand apart!

It's a thin line you've got to tread
You've got reason to feel afraid
The devil or the deep blue sea - Walk away or you come with me


There are times
When I wish I could reach out
Give you my thoughts, feel your soul
Talk of the future, talk of tommorow
Of being together and of growing old

Take your hand
Every time you are in doubt
Ease off the pain deep inside
Wish I could touch you, make you feel safe
Make you my own, make you my pride

I need you tonight
And I need you forever
Let's make it for keeps
Let our love come together

There are times
When I wish I could tell you
What it means to have you here
For once I wish I could show you my love
For once I wish to make these things clear

And I try
Sometimes, just to show you
A dream that will last forever
A dream that will grow and breathe with life
The words don't come easy, but somehow I'll try

I need you tonight
And I need you forever
Let's make it for keepsLet our love come together


I live by my instincts
I live for passion
I live by choice
Despise hesitation

I live for joy
I live to share it
I live by fire
And the moment that it is lit

No explanations
No logic can defy
No reason can define
No words can confine

To burn is to shine
To warm a lonely night
Whats a blaze of light
If nothing is to turn out right?

It is written in the wind
Crystallised in the clouds
Warmed by the sunset
Held by the night

Kissed by the morning
Encircled by the dusk
Touched by the dawn

Suddenly its gone


You taught me to hope
I'll teach you to fly
Let's reach for the sky
You and I

No clouds of despair
No nip in the air
The winter is warm
With your touch

No darkness at noon
Not a moment too soon
There's light on the sky
And it's night

No love has not died
I'll keep it alive
Let it blossom and grow
In my dreams

We'll float with the wind
We'll ride with the waves
New paths we will pave
You and I

Your dream has not died
And you live in mine
You fill up my thoughts
Every night

No love is not fair
But how much you care
Each thought really countsLet's make love


I don't want to be a fool for loving you
Don't want a ride on the merry go round
All this - now she's here and now she's gone
Has a way of really getting me down.

Don't want to stick around here any more
My time is up and I must be gone
It's an old line I'm following through
Don't want to be where I don't belong, no.

Once I had plans
But that was then
It was a picture
Of a perfect ten

Strange how it seems
Just yesterday
No signs of danger
Nothing in the way

How these things change
I just can't tell
Without a warning
A twist in the tale

And hey
I guess I'm a fool for love
At loss in a thinking world
I know I'm a sight to see
Why can't this feeling ever leave me be?

With every change
From night to day
A different story
Along a different way

Sit on the fence
Hold all the trumps
Look at the cat
Which way will it jump?

With heads you win
With tails I lose
Something tells me
This thing's a wild goose

What's the reason
Why do you sigh
Are you just weary
Will you tell me why

All this is strange
Like Catch 22
Nothing is quite false
Nothing is quite true

Are you afraid
Making that call
Scared of that moment
Of breaking the wall


She walks in
With the fragrance of spring
Like early morning dew
That the first light would bring

Wish I could tell you
The way you make me feel
Tell me, how can I show you?
How much you mean to me

Something about you
And the way that you smile
Like a ray of sunshine
Wish I could make you mine


Everytime I hear a love song
Everytime I watch a movie romance
A feeling haunts me and it won't leave me
I think of you and I feel you near me
Everytime I see a sunset
Everytime I see a wave on a beach
Everytime I see the moon through the trees
In everything beautiful, woman it is you I see

Oh, its crazy I know
Logic tells us we've got to take things slow
What use use is reason when we are burning inside?
Without you woman, this space is too wide

I turn and I look
For your number in my telephone book
See your face in the mirror beside me
Walk on the beach, hear the sound of the sea

Patience is tough and you're so far away
And it gets tougher with each passing day
The way I'm longing, I'll go out of my mind
I hate the waiting, why is fate so unkind?

This ain't the way I planned it to be
And its so simple, its so hard to see
The way I feel is not easy to disguise
The cost of feeling is when you pay the price

The helpless truth stares us right in the face
In the game of love, you hold every ace
I can't seem to deal with the way that I feel
Time is running out, I can hear the bells peal


Did you know?

You make it easy
To fall in love with you
Gives a different touch
To the feeling that I knew
With a kind of light
Dancing in your eyes
Shine it on me
I'd like to break that ice

I'd like to

Hold you tight
And never let you go
Feel your warmth
And let that feeling grow
Can't be without you
For too long, don't you see?
Tell me now lady
Do you feel the same way for me?

Easy to fall
In love with you
So easy to be
In love with you

Take my heart

With that easy smile
That plays on your lips
Turn it on me, now
I'd like to play for keeps
You make it easy
To fall in love with you
You make it easy
By just being you


He walks the dusty corridors
Of power every day
You want a deal, then listen
To every word he says

Holy men swarm the government
While money casts a spell
It will cost you some, but hey!
Think of it spent well

At the top there's a man who leads
Do you want his "go ahead"?
It can be had, he knows how
Put some butter on his bread

All the while a nation waits to
Feed a million hungry mouths
"I've done my bit", says he
"I know what its all about

He makes the right connections, so
Let the money change hands
The deal is fixed for sure
The news will hit the stands

Anything at all can be done
If he wishes it be so
He knows the right people
Everyone, high and low

For he is the deal maker
The man behind the scene
Now he is here, now he is gone
Can you guess where he has been?


Pigeon perched atop a pole
Scowling at the world
A thinking man lies on a couch
Slowly getting bald
"This ain't right," says he
"The world's got to change
The values are all wrong
Lots of things to rearrange
Kids got to work to eat
Make the home fires burn
Can you think of the times
That I've done you a good turn?

And I just dont know
What went wrong
Who did this, Ma,
Why is the night so long

Beauty is in the beholders eye
You've got shit in yours
Money tempts you everywhere
Like a house of whores
"Religion is like hash, you dope"
Says the priest of death
"Kill your neighbour today, my friend"
Pretty much in the same breath

And I just don't know
What went wrong
Why is everyone for oneself
How everyone is alone

Pigeon stops to think awhile
Don't make no sense to him
Thinking man looks up and
hopes God will answer him
Pigeon takes to the sky
Circles, then shits
Falls into thinking man's eye
Who decides that life is the pits
The leaves are lush, green
Dense, luxuriant, celebrating the rain
Butterflies with rainbow wings
Float among yellow, golden flowers
The air is full of sounds
Sounds of life and of living
Everything is incomplete
Without your eyes to share them
Eyes that can stop my being
My very being in its tracks with wonder

How can the most inconsequential
The most desolate and worthless
Be full of meaning when you are there?
How can your smile
Make the very air festive?
How can your voice sound like music?
How can just one look from you keep me warm?
Helpless thoughts and feelings
Vie with each other
As they drift across me
How can I ever be fulfilled
Without you?
Two strangers talked softly into the night
A lot got said, many things shared
Suddenly she stood up and said, "It's time, I've got to go"
Before I could ask her name, she skipped up the path and she was gone

I left town and I havent yet returned
But the memory of her smile brings back a feeling of warmth
I can't forget the light that danced inher eyes

Her easy style, her dusky gaze
Her soft flowing dress which swayed as she walked
I remember it all like it was yesterday

Its not likely that I'll ever see you again
All there is is a memory of the night we met
Think of me sometimes and smile somewhat
goodbye sweet home
i must leave you now
bid you farewell
try to go on somehow
you’ve been kind to me
sheltered me from rain
saw me through time
soothed me in my pain

kept me cool when
the hot winds blowed
dust across the plains
you loved me and it showed
in the way you
showed me happy days
guess you really did
in so many different ways

and i want you to know
i’ll never forget you
i want you to know
i’ll never stop loving you
for the warmth you have shown
i’ll always remember
wherever i am, wherever i go
Past logic, past conventions
Beyond inhibitions, ahead of convenience
What lies there?
Something slowly forming
A feeling that is growing?

Wish you could see yourself
Mirrored in my eyes

From the nuances of a look
To the caress of your words
And the enchantment of your smile
It is going to be pure delight
To discover the layers of your being
It is a lonely world
Without the sparkle
That smiles in your eyes

It is an empty day
Without the fire
Your touch can set alight

It is too cold and white
Without the passion
Your lips can inspire

You touch my every waking thought
You live in every fibre of my being
In every moment of my time
You seem to be there without being seen

How can you deny the way you feel?
When I can see it written in your heart
How can you wait for some moment in time?
Whatever can keep us so far apart?
Random Songs written over the past 10 odd years. At different points in time. With different contexts. About live, love, feelings and other stuff. Read on. Let me know your thoughts on them.